
Showing posts from November, 2012

Do Cats Need to Drink Milk?

Has anyone ever said to you “you look like the cat that got the cream” when you are feeling smug and happy about something? Well you may be surprised to know that in reality the cat that gets the cream is not always a particularly happy one. I am not altogether sure where the association between a cat and a saucer of milk comes from – perhaps it is a myth that was created by various cartoon cat creators over the years. What I do know is that many cat owners believe they are giving their pet a treat by offering them a saucer of milk or cream to drink when in fact, the reverse is true. Whilst some cats do enjoy the taste of cow’s milk, it is certainly not a dietary requirement and offers no nutritional value for a cat. If he drinks too much milk it could actually stop your cat from eating all the meaty stuff that is good for him, resulting in him being malnourished.  Furthermore, giving your cat milk to drink on a regular basis can actually cause him to have a constan